Shriner’s Hospitals for Children Philadelphia
Certificate of Appreciation
presented to
Salaam Shrine January’s Featured Temple
Salaam Shrine
featured at
Shriners Hospital for Children Philadelphia
On January 18th members of the Divan and their ladies of Salaam Shrine were welcomed at the Philadelphia Shrine Hospital. All in attendance were given a guided tour of the hospital facilities as well as were formally greeted by the New Board of Governors. ILL. Sir Murphy presented the Board of Governors with donations collected by Salaam’s Motor Corp, Shepherds’ Club, Salaam Noble’s Fundraising efforts, and other Masonic Organizations. Congratulations to ILL. Sir Paul DiGaetano on being installed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Philadelphia SHC. Also, patients of the Philly SHC installed all of the members of the board as well as “Fezzed” members and our Potentate ILL. Sir Thomas Murphy of Salaam Shriners. Congratulations to all the ILL. Sirs and Nobles who make up the Board of Governors your tireless efforts make Shriners Hospitals for Children the greatest philanthropy in the world.
Certificate Presentation for Tab Donation
On February 2nd Noble John S. Cataldo the Recorder of Salaam Shrine presented a certificate on behalf of Salaam to the Doctors and Staff of New Jersey Cardiologist Associates in West Orange, NJ. The Doctors and Staff heard about our Tab collection efforts to assist our Hospital Transportation Fund and wanted to make a considerable contribution to our efforts. They have been collecting Tabs throughout the year. They plan on continuing to collect in the future. Congratulations to the Doctors and Staff for their efforts and generous Tab donation to Salaam’s Hospital Transportation Fund.
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