Saturday May 13, 2023 A great day was on hand with new nobles created and receiving a full ceremonial! We cherish their membership and welcome them with open arms and into Salaam. The ceremony of initiation is so meaningful with its many references and the completion of the wandering sojourner in the desert being embraced into his new home. Our goal expressed by our membership Chairman Noble Paul Ferreira, High Priest & Prophet, is to attain 23 new members before December of 2023. The Oriental band was on hand to play music as our neophytes circumambulated the Temple room. The ceremony was concluded with Lunch and the distribution of new member packets. We will have them back in June with family for a fezzing ceremony! We welcome the following new Nobles and Remember! This is your Temple! Take an active role and be a part of its inner workings!
Nobles Giorgi Chikhladze Peter D’Amico Francis Flores Peter Grodzki Jose Hernandez
Mark Milag Aret Tasciyan Thomas Wilson-Solis and Elvis Valdez
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